Rabu, 21 Mei 2008



Dalam era globalisasi, di mana masyarakat di seluruh dunia bersifat futuristik dalam semua bidang, masyarakat pendidik khususnya seharusnya berkemampuan dalam berkomunikasi, mengakses informasi dan belajar menggunakan berbagai teknologi yang dapat diadaptasi dalam profesi pendidikan. Masyarakat seluruh dunia juga telah mulai menyadari kepentingan pendidikan dan senantiasa mencari jalan untuk meningkatkan lingkungan pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam semua bidang sistem pendidikan melalui ICT.

Dalam memaksimalkan potensi ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, guru guru dan pihak sekolah sendiri menjadi elemen yang sangat kritis. Hal ini karena menjadi tanggungjawab pihak sekolah untuk memberi pendidikan kepada guru dan pelajar bagaimana untuk menerima ICT dan mampu menggunakan ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran .

Untuk tujuan ini, guru seharusnya mempunyai kemampuan dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk mengintegrasikan ICT secara efektif dalam lingkungan pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Jika ini tidak terjadi, pelajar tidak akan memahami pada gedung informasi yang tersedia dan tidak mempunyai kemampuan menggunakan ICT secara efektif dalam proses pembelajaran mandiri mereka.


Guru masa kini semakin berpengetahuan dan peka dengan persediaan menggunakan ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Di negara maju , peningkatan pengintegrasian ICT dalam kelas telah ada dalam masa tiga puluh tahun yang lalu (Norton & Wiburg 2003). Komputer telah mengalami evolusi daripada mesin yang sangat kompleks dan memerlukan kemahiran yang sangat tinggi untuk pengoperasian menjadi suatu alat yang sangat mudah untuk dioperasi sehingga pelajar sekolah pun berkemahiran mengaplikasinya. Dalam masa yang sama, penggunaan ICT menjadi sangat luas, di mana semakin banyak software pendidikan terdapat di pasaran. Guru dan pelajar juga semakin mempunyai keyakinan dan berkemahiran dalam menggunakan teknologi. ICT juga telah mul beralih tempat dari laboratorium komputer, ke kelas , dan sekarang telah menular ke rumah- rumah.

Guru telah memberi respon yang sangat signifikan atas teknologi ini. Dalam eraglobalisasi ini ICT berkembang hebat, guru telah memfokuskan kepada dua bidang yang luas. Bidang yang pertama melibatkan ‘pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi’ (learning-to-use technology). Pendidik diberikan berbagai kursus untuk berbagai kemahiran tentang bagaimana menggunakan ICT dalam berbagai peringkat dari aspek pengurusan hal peribadi sehingga ke aspek profesional. Bidang yang kedua pula memfokus kepada penggunaan teknologi dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (using-to-learn) serta bagaimana menggunakan ICT secara efektif untuk memantapkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran asas dalam sesuatu mata pelajaran.

Dalam aktivitas penelitian , para pendidik telah memperoleh berbagai penemuan tentang ciri sekolah yang efektif. Hasil dari penelitian di Amerika Serikat, yang presentasikan oleh National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (2003) melaporkan bahwa lingkungan pembelajaran yang efektif ialah lingkungan yang dirancang secara sistematik berdasarkan ciri-ciri tertentu. Ciri pertama, sekolah yang efektif menggunakan pengetahuan, kemahiran, kepercayaan dan latar belakang setiap pelajar dan menaruh harapan yang tinggi.kepada pelajar tersebut. Sekolah ini mengamalkan pembelajaran berpusat pada pelajar. Ciri kedua ialah, pendidik di sekolah ini menggunakan alat penilaian yang di desain khusus untuk menilai pembelajaran seseorang pelajar, memberi respon yang terus menerus kepada pelajar dan data penilaian digunakan bagi menilai semula aktivitas pelajar. Sekolah ini juga memfokus kepada pengetahuan teras dari bidang penilaian tersebut dan mempunyai standards for mastery, serta menggunakan sumber-sumber daripada masyarakat setempat.

Sekolah seperti yang diterangkan ini tidak terwujud begitu saja. Mereka mepunyai leadership dan bertumpu kepada visi yang mantap dalam masyarakat. Pendidik di sekolah tersebut berkelayakan dan ini dapat digambarkan dengan content yang diajar dan pengetahuan tentang pedagogi yang releven dengan kandungan yang diajar. Dengan perkataan lain, guru tersebut tahu bagaimana menghasilkan lingkungan pembelajaran yang berpusatkan pelajar dan bagaimana untuk menarik minat pelajar mengambil bagian secara aktif dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Guru dan pelajar di sekolah ini mengintegrasikan teknologi modern dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian di atas adalah sejalan dengan strategi keseluruhan UNESCO dalam mengintegrasi ICT dalam pendidikan guru (2003).

Tabel 1 Integrasi Teori, Pedagogi dan Teknologi dalam Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

Teori Pembelajaran
Proses Instruksi
Teknologi Penilaian
Perbincangan Isu Pedagogi
Penilaian Sendiri i/Rekan
Browsing Internet
Desktop Publishing

Media dan instruksi
Desain Instruksi
Teori Belajar
Desain Rancangan
Search Engine
Chat rooms

Sumber Pembelajaran
ICT dan Inovasi instruksi
Pencarian Informasi
Penghailan e-kerja
Software Persembahan
Word Processor


Dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran, pedagogi membawa maksud proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang melibatkan pengetahuan dari segi teori yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan dan kemahiran pedagogi (Glenn, 2003). Komponen teoritikal dan praktikal tentang pedagogi ditunjukkan dalam table , yang meliputi pengetahuan tentang teori pembelajaran dan desain , strategi pengukuran dan penilaian, serta perancangan dan desain rancangan pengajaran. Kemahiran dari segi pemilihan dan persembahan pengajaran sebenarnya boleh juga dimasukkan dalam pedagogi. Kecakapan ICT diberikan kepada guru dari mula alat ICT diperkenalkan kepada mereka. Pada saat ini, guru melalui proses pembelajaran mengenai ICT sama seperti pelajar mereka melaluinya di sekolah. Keterampilan ICT ini dikenal sebagai literasi ICT, yang meliputi pengetahuan mengenai konsep dan operasi ICT (Norton & Wiburg 2003). Aspek yang terkandung dalam literasi ICT termasuk Konsep Dasar ICT, Penggunaan Komputer dan Manajemen file , Word Prosesor , spreadsheet data base , Manajemen Dokumen dan Presentasi , serta Informasi dan Komunikasi.

Kolaborasi dan rangkaian juga adalah aspek yang dapat dimasukkan dalam pedagogi. Kekuatan ICT yang sebenarnya muncul dari konsep canggih berkomunikasi yang dapat menjangkau lebih dari empat dinding kelas dan dengan memastikan sumber informasi dari seluruh dunia dari ujung jari seseorang saja. Implikasi kepada guru saat mereka membimbing pelajar dalam proses kolaborasi dengan kelompok pelajar yang lain dan menggunakan rangkaian komputer dalam penelitian untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu tugas ialah guru bukan lagi bertindak sebagai sumber utama ilmu pengetahuan. Guru sebenarnya telah bertukar fungsi dari penyedia dan pemberi informasi dalam kelas menjadi pembimbing pelajar. Guru perlu memahami perubahan ini dan menerima paradigma ini dalam pendekatan pengajaran mereka.


Reformasi pendidikan diluncurkan dengan maksud untuk menyesuaikan bidang pendidikan dengan perubahan yang melanda bidang sosioekonomi dan dikaitkan dengan perkembangan sains dan teknologi khususnya teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (ICT). ICT atau teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi boleh dikaitkan dengan berbagait eknologi yang digunakan untuk mengakses, mengumpulkan , memanipulasi dan mempersembahkan atau berkomunikasi mengenai informasi. Teknologi yang dimaksudkan termasuk peralatan (seperti komputer, dan peranti lain), aplikasi Software dan rangkaian (sebagai contoh Internet, infrastruktur jaringan setempat (local networking infrastructure) dan Teleconverence).
Menurut Yelland (2003), prinsip asas dalam penggunaan komputer secara efektif dalam pembelajaran meliputi integrasi kurikulum, pembelajaran berkelanjutan, empowerment, pengaksesan informasi yang seksama, lingkungan yang mendukung, pendidikan guru (dan pengelolaan sumber).
Menurut hasil penelitian UNESCO Information Programmes and Services 2003, yang meliputi kajian di Australia, Singapore dan Republic Korea, terdapat tiga program latihan dalam pendidikan guru yang melibatkan penggunaan ICT seperti berikut:
I. Literasi Dasar komputer
Program level pertama ini meliputi topik berikut:
• Bagian dan fungsi komputer
• Sistem pengoperasian komputer
• Aplikasi Software umum seperti Microsoft Office, yang tidak semestinya berhubungan dengan proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran

II. Penggunaan peralatan dan Software ICT dalam aktivitas pengajaran dan pembelajaran Dalam program level kedua ini kandungan adalah lebih kurang sama dengan program level pertama tetapi materinya adalah lebih kepada aplikasi ICT dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Materi dalam program II ini meliputi hal –hal berikut berikut:
• Penggunaan Spreadsheet untuk menghasilkan senarai penilaian pelajar dan penyimpanan rekord pelajar.
• Penggunaan Software Presentasi untuk berbagai kegunaan dalam bidang kurikulum.
• Penggunaan perisian publishing bagi menghasilkan buletin guru dan pelajar.
• Penggunaan WebQuest, iaitu satu platform yang digunakan bagi aktivitas penyelesaian masalah berbasis web.

III. Penggunaan ICT berasaskan pedagogi, integrasi penggunaan ICT dalam mata pelajaran, pengajaran dan administrasi kelas dan kolaborasi pengajaran dan pembelajaran berbasis online .
Dalam program aras ketiga ini pula pengintegrasian ICT dalam kurikulum adalah lebih mantap dan meliputi topik berikut:
• Integrasi ICT dalam pengajaran bagi mata pelajaran yang spesifik seperti sains, matematik, ilmu sosial, bahasa, seni dan sastera;
• Penggunaan peralatan komunikasi online seperti e-mail untuk mengambil bagian dalam proyek kolaborasi online atau penggunaan Internet untuk menjalankan penelitian
• Menghubungkan sekolah dengan masyarakat setempat melalui perbincangan online dengan menggunakan e-group.

Hasil dapatan dalam satu penelitian yang dijalankan di East China Normal Universiti, China menyatkan bahwa pembangunan program pendidikan di kalangan guru yang memfokuskan kepada penggunaan ICT adalah sangat mantap dengan terwujudnya integrasi teori pembelajaran, praktek pedagogi dan teknologi. Pendekatan integrasi kurikulum dipaparkan dalam tabel 1 Menurut kajian tersebut, perkara asas dalam mengintegrasi pendekatan kurikulum ialah, pertama integrasi latihan ICT dalam kampus, kedua, integrasi pembelajaran secara teori dengan praktek pedagogi, dan yang ketiga, mengintegrasi aktivitas hands-on dan aktivitas minds-on, iaitu aktivitas yang melibatkan konsep belajar sambil berbuat, yang melibatkan kombinasi aktivitas mental seperti penilaian rekan sebaya dan refleksi-mandiri.

Glenn, A. 2002. Emergence of Technology Standards for Preservice Teachers Education.NorthCentral Regional Educational Laboratory: NCREL’s Educational TechnologyResources.

National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future. (2003). Organizing Schools forTeaching and Learning Success. Washington, D.C.,pp. 16-18.

Norton, P. & Wiburg, K.M. 2003. Teaching with Technology: Designing Opportunities to Learn. Canada: Thomson Wadsworth.

Sharp, V. P. 2005. Computer Education for Teachers: Integrating Technology into ClassroomTeaching, Fifth Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

UNESCO Information Programmes and Services. 2003. Teacher Training on ICT in Education in Asia and Pacific: Overview from Selected Countries. UNESCO, Bangkok.

Yelland, N. 2003. Concept Paper: Presentation to Experts’ Meeting on Teachers/Facilitators Training in Technology-Pedagogy Integration, Bangkok, Thailand.

http://ikc.vip.net.id/penulis/penulis-alex.php Maret 2008.

Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

My Family

Hi.....Nice to know you..

Happy Nice day......

seminar thesis



The aim of this study is to design and evaluate a courseware " Basic Statistic And SPSS Aplication" this multimedia courseware have been developed by using Macromedia Flash Professional 8.0 software, and other software such as Adobe Photo Shop C.S, Corel Photo Shop 11, SnageIt 6.0, Cool Edit Professional 2.0 and SPSS 13.0 that may improve its impressing. This courseware designed based on instructional design model by Hannafin and Peck. This courseware adopts in form of tutorial approach which is by Alessi and Trollip takes into consideration various aspect such as content aspect, pedagogy, learning theory, learning strategy and technical. This courseware based on minimalist learning theory also use the self directed learning strategy, mastery learning and anchored learning. The pilot test is carry out in National University of Malaysia Bangi consisted of 20 people of master student of Education in IT and Resources. Cronbach’s Alpha score is 0.88 that mean the instrument is reliable. The courseware summative test was conducted in Teachers Training Development Centre of Social Science and Humaniora Malang Indonesia, consist of 30 teacher’s trainers. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS version 13. Data analisys showed this courseware has the character of the interactive and the user interest and could improve the user motivation to learn the basic statistic and SPSS application, Data analisys showed also show that this courseware has glorious is application of learning theory and learning strategy which have in specification in objective.

Progress in technological area of computer science is giving of amenity to all teachers or educator, for processed, saving, printing, and analyzing data swiftly and precisely. To increase the quality of educator resource environment represent the compulsion. Therefore PPPG IPS and PMP, having responsibility and permission to increase resources of educator quality have programmed the activity of education and training about computer exploiting in data analysis. In this study researcher developed a courseware titling “ Basic Statistic and SPSS Application” ( Asas statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS) for teacher participant of Teachers Training Development Centre of Social Science and Humaniora (PPPG IPS dan PMP) Malang Indonesia. The courseware was developed based on need assessment of teachers training which is conducted in Teachers training Development Centre of Social science and Humaniora.

The participant of teacher’s training in PPPG IPS and PMP are adult people. They are a people who have many experience and self concept. They have a variety of background of culture and job experience. In these case, to give a good service to the teachers as participant is needed a suitable strategy approach for adult learning. The strategy approach must be different with the school’s training or traditional education. In order that is needed a strategy approach that more suitable with self concept, readiness to learn, orientation to learn, experience and motivation to learn of all training participant. In educational world this strategies approach known as Adult Learning (Knowles 1994).
Teachers Training Development Centre Of Social Science and Humaniora has a authority to improve Educational human resources based on Decree of Minister of Education of Indonesia No : 0529/0/1990 date 14 August 1990 (Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Mendikbud) Republik Indonesia Nomor : 0529/0/1990 tanggal 14 Agustus 1990) is to implement training and technical education development in order to improve teacher’s competency.
Carroll (1990) states: "Adult learners are not blank slates; they don't have funnels in their heads; they have little patience for being treated as "don't knows". New users are always learning computer methods in the context of specific preexisting goals and expectations." (p. 11) Carroll also identifies the roots of minimalism in the constructivism of Bruner and Piaget. That why every teacher have to own the deftness in operating and utilize computer the importance of improvement quality personally.
The Minimalist theory is a framework for the design of instruction, especially training materials for computer users (Carroll 1998)
The theory suggests that :
(1) All learning tasks should be meaningful and self-contained activities.
(2) Learners should be given realistic projects as quickly as possible
(3) Instruction should permit self-directed reasoning and improvising by increasing the number of active learning activities.
(4) Training materials and activities should provide for error recognition and recovery.
(5) There should be a close linkage between the training and actual system.

One of the function of Teachers Training Development Center of Social Science and Humaniora Malang Indonesia (PPPG IPS PMP Malang) is to publish instructional module for course participants that must be revised every years according to course curriculum. In 2005 the team module developer of PPPG IPS PMP conducted a instructional book using title “Pemanfaatan Komputer dalam Analisa Data Manajemen KBM” This book was published by PPPG IPS PMP under control of Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Direktorat Jenderal Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Jakarta” Unfortunately, the result of training monitory impact showed any an ineffectiveness in understanding the book content. (Report from Publication division of PPPG IPS PMP Malang, 2006).
Founded on interview result with the instructors, teachers and training participants in PPPG IPS PMP about statistical course and SPSS software, there are still a lot of found an opinion that statistic is difficult to comprehended and it is not interesting. The consequently it was needed more Instructional media to provide a tutorial approach in order to be easier to comprehend a statistical concept and how to use SPSS software to cover statistical problem.

This study use “Pemanfaatan Komputer Dalam Analisa data Manajemen KBM” modul that had have published by PPPG IPS and PMP Malang Indonesia as a resources of this courseware. The impression of instructional design must be related with learning theory and learning strategy. Bednar et al. (1995) state that process of designing and developing instructional learning material have to based on learning theory and learning strategy. It is not just about content and skill. In order to develop a courseware must choose a suitable instructional design model according to situation and condition is needed (Gustafon & Branch 1997). As a process of development of the courseware in this study based on instructional design model of Hannafin & Peck ( 1988).

The purpose of this study is to develop a interactive multimedia courseware using title “Asas statistik dan aplikasi SPSS” for instructional material teaching and learning in Teachers Training Development Centre of Social Science and Humaniora Malang Indonesia. This study is one of effort to produce an impressing instructional media toward teaching and learning. This product is expected could assist better to training participant in order to learn statistic and SPSS application.

This study is implemented to reach any of objective bellow :
i. To develop Courseware using title ”Asas Statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS” for training participant in PPPG IPS DAN PMP Malang Indonesia.
ii. To determine that the pedagogical aspect of “ Asas Statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS” courseware was developed can assist better to training participant in PPPG IPS and PMP Malang Indonesia.
iii. To determine ”Asas Statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS” courseware developed can assist to visualize and make easier to comprehend about statistic and SPSS
iv. To determine ”Asas Statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS” courseware developed has interactive character and entertain when it is used.
v. To determine “Asas Statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS” courseware developed increase the learning motivation of teachers training participant in learning statistic and SPSS.
vi. To determine “Asas Statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS” courseware developed based on minimalist learning theory.
vii. To determine “ Asas Statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS” courseware developed based on self directed learning strategy, anchored learning strategy and mastery learning

Very rare to find the multimedia courseware about basic statistic and SPSS application that can be directly to the case study of statistic problem bay tutorial approach. The significance of this study toward this courseware are :
Using multimedia study can enhance effort of teachers training participant to comprehend the content of his courseware especially in teaching and learning process, and has suitability with the matter of learning.
By the innovative and creative to mike interesting matter, this study can enhance the motivation of teachers training participant toward statistic and SPSS application.
To create the active learning and impressing to all teachers training participant toward statistic and SPSS application.
To create self directed learning practice using learning strategy.
Because of that researcher try to improve the best method to reach teaching and learning that suitable with the need assessment not only from impressing aspect but to give the contribution to PPPG IPS and PMP Indonesia about basic statistic and SPSS application as one of the material package as medium for teachers training participant.

In the development process of basic statistic and SPSS application focused on the one of the PPPG IPS and PMP module is “Pemanfaatan Komputer Dalam Analisa Data Manajemen KBM” the content consist of the basic statistic such as introduction to data, sample, measure scale ans central tendency. The SPSS basic theory such as menu and toolbar, file, edit, etc. The case study is given to enhance comprehend toward statistic and SPSS such as Compare mean, Correlation, Regression, ANOVA. Learning practice can be done by user based on tutorial that already given. Because of the limitation of time this study process the researcher only use the sample consist of 30 people like an instructor and coach (Widyaiswara). The 30 people that randomized selected assumed can represented the population from the teacher training in PPPG IPS PMP Indonesia.

In this study consist of several step to develop the structured study correctly. This is must be done in order to make the study ease to do like the process based on ID models of Hannafin & Peck (1988)

According to Cressswell (2005) if the instrument ready to use its need to be conducted the pilot test in order to determine that the instrument can be understood by respondent. One pilot test had been conducted to 20 user who are capable in basic use of computer. The twenty persons of the respondent for pilot test are the Indonesian master student of Information and Resources in UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia). Pilot test result show that all the items of instrument was can be understood by user and no bias item. Cronbanh’s alpha coefficient is used for determine the reliability of instrument. If the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient value more than 0.70 is the reliability value (Cooper & Emry 1995). In this study the Cronbanh’s alpha coefficient is 0.88 that mean the instrument is reliable.

The Basis statistic and SPSS Application courseware CD ROM together with the summative evaluation instrument was sent to PPPG IPS PMP Malang by post. The instrument was distributed to 30 people consist of the coaches (widyaiswara) and instructor in the class room. The courseware was presented until finish and repeating. Respondent fill the instrument based on their perception controlled by one leader an collected to determine that the instrument got 30 form. The result was collected and processed using Microsoft Excel to compress the data and sent back to researcher in Malaysia by e-mail.

The information or raw data received was analyzed using descriptive statistic to gain the frequency and mean. The software used is Microsoft Excel 2003 and SPSS version 13. in order to gain the category based on Zikmund & William (2000) bellow:
Range = n - 1
= 4 - 1
= 3 = 1
= 1
The formula explanation : n is number of scale is 4 and x is category needed, in this case is 3. based on the formula can gain the result like table 3 bellow:

Table 3. Interpretatioan category value

Mean Value
1.0 – 2.0
2.1 – 3.0
3.1 - 4.0

The Basic Statistic and SPSS Application Courseware (Asas Statistik dan Aplikasi SPSS) was developed using main software is Macromedia Flash Professional 8.0. and any addition software such as Adobe Photoshop CS for graphic design, Cool Edit Pro 2.0 for audio editing, Snagit 6.0 for video capture and editing, and Windows XP professional as operating system.
The computer equipment needed to run this basic statistic and SPSS application courseware base on the specification bellow :
1. Micro Computer
2. Processor Pentium III or higher
3. Random Access Memory (RAM) 128 MB or higher
5. 16 bit Sound Card
6. SVGA Monitor
7. Speaker active
8. Mouse and keyboard

Based on Sterbinsky & Ross (2005) formative evaluation is used to provide response for designer in order to increase the quality of courseware conducted. The formative evaluation in the process of developing and implementation of the basic statistic and SPSS application courseware is conducted by interview with any expert such as Information and communication expert and educational expert. The expert who evaluated this courseware are : Dr. Mohd Arif Hj. Ismail as the researcher’s lecturer, and any lecturer from SEAMEO RECSAM. There are many problem was covered after formative evaluation in developing process was conducted, such as color changes, screen position, menu and button position.

Based on Morrison et al. (2007) the summative permit a designer or an instructor to reach unbiased, objective answer to evaluation question concerning expected program outcomes and than to decide whether the program is achieving those outcomes. Whit this evidence, the designer’s intuition can be supported or rejected, and or she has the fact for correctly informing other about the program result. In the end of the process of developing and implementation of basic statistic and SPSS application was conducted the summative evaluation based on courseware aspect needed as the table 4 bellow :

Table 4. Interpretatioan category value.


Based on the finding in chapter IV overall of finding show that the Basic Statistic and SPSS Application courseware was developed has fulfilled the specification in objective. The finding show that the Basic Statistic and SPSS Application courseware was developed can assist user or teachers training participant in learning statistic and SPSS.
Overall of percentages of content aspect has 55.12% on very agree scale and overall mean is 3.19 showed that the content of the Basic Statistic and SPSS Application courseware is in the good level. This finding is supported by the research of Lily & Mazanah (2000) showed that the higher student have a positive attitude toward use of Computer Assisted Instructional. The student has a positive attitude toward quality of courseware’s content.

The base principals of learning strategy method is teaching and learning activity have to anchored on the certain topic that can gain learner motivation (Chen 2000). The statement above support the finding of this courseware from the anchored learning strategy, self directed learning strategy and mastery learning aspect has case simulation that like the reality got the highest percentage is 76.7% in very agree scale and 20% in agree scale. It showed that this courseware glorious is application of d learning strategy which have in specification in objective.
There are three part of technical aspect are screen design, audio visual and navigation. Based on finding the three aspect above successfully applied in Basic Statistic and SPSS Application courseware. It is supported by Peter Law research (2001) state that learner will heap all their attention to the learning process using computer. It is because of the learner can involve their self in the exciting learning process situation including multimedia tool such as graphic, interactive animation, voice, music and video that can motivate the learner.

This study gives an addition value and various medium as instructional tool in PPPG IPS PMP Indonesia. This courseware can be an alternative tools in statistic and SPSS instructional medium, because this courseware support the Statistic and SPSS module was published by PPPG IPS PMP. This courseware also can be used by public society that learn statistic and SPSS. Teaching and learning strategy using this courseware is self directed learning or learner centered.
Based on the finding, the teacher training of statistic and SPSS more interesting and impressing the participant because this courseware can enhance the user’s motivation and comprehend toward certain topic related to what they want to learn. That is relevant with the minimalist principals application and learning strategy such as self directed learning, anchored learning and mastery learning. The general implication is the courseware can be used by every one who want to learn statistic and SPSS, not just in certain people but also who have not more skill in computer literacy.

There are any suggestion can be implemented in the other study next time :
1. The development of this courseware can be extended to another statistic topic in better and more complex of interactivity and multitasking.
2. The quality of graphic, video, and audio can be enhance using more sophisticated programming tools in order to gain the sophisticated result.
3. The learning content and learning activity have to be improved and to be more various then can be more exciting and impressing.

The basic statistic and SPSS application courseware was developed based on the objective and the problem of study stated to increase the teaching and learning system basic statistic and SPSS application in PPPG IPS and PMP Malang, Indonesia. This courseware have been success to application the suitable of learning theory and learning strategy that can improve the user’s learning motivation and comprehend. There are still found the weakness of this courseware that have to be improved in the next and other study. The expectation of developing the basic statistic and SPSS application courseware is to be able to assist the teachers training participant to learn statistic and SPSS in PPPG IPS and PMP Malang, Indonesia. Also the other user who want to learn basic statistic and SPSS anytime, anywhere in Indonesia.


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Kamis, 27 Maret 2008

di Langkawi Malaysia



Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

Laporan dinas

Perihal : Laporan Kegiatan. Malang, 22 Januari 2008
Lamp : 4 (Empat)

Yth. Kepala PPPPTK PKn dan IPS
Jl. Veteran No 9

Dengan Hormat .
Berdasarkan Surat Tugas dari Kepala Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidikan dan Tenaga Kependidikan PKn dan IPS Malang Nomor : 562/F/F7/KP/2006. Tanggal 15 April 2006 atas nama Slamet Supriyadi, S.Kom, tentang Program Rintisan Gelar S2 (M.Ed. In ICT) serta atas dasar surat dari Sekretariat Negara kepada Sekretariat Jenderal Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Up Kepala Biro Perencanaan dan KLN Nomor KL.0703/UMPL/3318 tanggal 27 Juni 2006 tentang Persetujuan Penugasan Belajar ke luar negeri

1. Nama Kegiatan :
Studi Lanjut jenjang S2 (Master) “Instructional Design of Information Communication Technology and Resources” ke Luar Negeri (Malaysia dan Australia).

2. Tujuan Kegiatan :
Meningkatkan kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) di lingkungan PPPPTK PKn dan IPS Malang.

3. Waktu dan Tempat :
Kegiatan studi lanjut strata 2 dengan fokus kepakaran “Instructional Design of Information Communication Technology and Resources” dilaksanakan di beberapa tempat di Malaysia dan Australia antara lain adalah :
• 8 Juli 2006 s/d 9 Maret 2007 perkuliahan dilaksanakan di SEAMEO RECSAM Pulau Penang Malaysia dengan tim pengajar dari RECSAM, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universiti Sain Malaysia (USM) dan Fakultas Pendidikan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM).
• 18 Maret s/d 18 April 2007 perkuliahan dilaksanakan di Curtin University Of Technologi Perth Australia dengan tim pengajar dari Curtin University.
• 19 April s/d 9 Juni 2007 Perkuliahan dilaksanakan di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) bangi Selangor Kuala Lumpur dengan tim pengajar dari UKM.
4. Metode Perkuliahan
Perkuliahan dilaksanakan secara sistim paket dengan total kredit 42 SKS dilaksanakan secara tatap muka dan online. Metode tatap muka menggunakan bahasa pengantar 70 % bahasa Inggris dan 30 % Bahasa Melayu.
• Tahap pertama perkuliahan di RECSAM dan USM menggunakan metode tatap muka dan pendekatan Project Work untuk menghasilkan sebuah software (perangkat lunak komputer) untuk pembelajaran. Akomodasi Mahasiswa di komplek asrama SEAMEO RECSAM.
• Tahap kedua perkuliahan dilaksanakan di Australia dengan pendekatan pemantapan teori dan hasil project yaitu materi “Advance Instructional Design”. Akomodasi mahasiswa di GOOD EARTH Hotel Perth Australia selama satu bulan.
• Tahap ke tiga perkuliahan dilaksanakan di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) secara tatap muka dan bimbingan untuk menyusun Tesis berdasarkan penelitian dan project yang telah dibuat. Akomodasi mahasiswa di Student Colej Universitias
5. Hasil Studi.
Selama menjalani studi di Malaysia dan Australia kami dapat lulus dengan sangat memuaskan yang disetai dengan bukti-bukti sebagai berikut.
1. Sertifikat kelulusan dari SEAMEO RECSAM
2. Setifikat Penghargaan Pribadi “Satisfactorily Leader” dari SEAMEO RECSAM.
3. Sertifikat “Advance Instructional Design” dari Curtin University Of Technology
4. Surat Keterangan Lulus Master of “Instructional Design of Information Communication Technology and Resources” dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. (Ijasah dan Transkrip belum diterima karena masih dalam proses penyelesaian dan akan di kirimkan oleh pihak UKM)
5. Perangkat lunak pembelajaran sebagai hasil Project yang berjudul “Dasar-dasar Statistik dan SPSS Terapan”.
6. Tesis dalam Bahasa Melayu yang berjudul “Reka Bentuk Dan Penilaian Perisian Kursus Multimedia Asas Statistik Dan Aplikasi SPSS : Satu Kajian Di Indonesia” Atau ” Design And Evaluation Multimedia Courseware Basic Statistic And SPSS Application : One Study In Indonesia” (tesis di buat dalam bahasa melayu karana pihak UKM mewajibkan mahasiswa untuk menggunakannya.)

7. Lain-lain.
Upacara Wisuda ( Convocation) dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Agustus 2007 di Kampus UKM. Kami tidak dapat mengikuti karena harus meninggalkan Malaysia pada tanggal 10 Juni 2007, hal ini berkenaan dengan berakhirnya pemberian tunjangan hidup dan biaya perkuliahan yang sudah disepakati oleh pemerintah Indonesia dan pihak SEAMEO RECSAM.

Demikian laporan ini kami buat dengan sebenarnya dan atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat saya
Yang bertugas :

Slamet Supriyadi, S.Kom
NIP : 132301229
Tembusan :
1. Kepala Bidang Program dan Informasi
2. Kepala Bidang Fasilitasi dan Kompetensi
3. Kepala Bagian Umum
4. Kasubag Kepegawaian dan Tatalaksana
